About Me

About Me

Hello there! My name is Trung Vu, and welcome to my site. I am a Full-Stack Software Engineer, currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area. While pursuing my degree in Applied Mathematics at UCLA, I started to develop my interest into computer science. The ability to create a big impact through just a few lines of code was such a fascinating concept to me. With that interest, I took the first step toward the computer science industry by diving in online learning sites such as Udemy, LeetCode, HackerRank, ProjectEuler, etc. The more I have immersed myself in them, the more I know this is the path I have always wanted to be in.

After attending App Academy, I have been able to completely refine my coding abilities. However, I want to keep on learning on how to solve hard problem, continue producing good and clean codes, as well as creating innovative and quality products. I am currently looking for an opportunity to work for a new team, one that can expose me to such challenging problems and hence allows me to grow even more as an engineer.

Hobbies and Interest

In my sparetime, I volunteer at Our City Forest, a non-profit organization for urban forestry and environmental education. Our mission is to grow and nurture thousands of drought-tolerant trees and shrubs, as well as educating residents to choose the approriate tree for their homes, schools, or work environments.

For fun, I love to go camping, hiking, traveling, photographing the outdoor, and meeting new people. I also love music, movies, and sports.

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