

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • jQuery
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML5
  • CSS


  • Python
  • Django
  • Node
  • Express
  • MongoDB


App Academy

Full-Stack Software Engineer

1000-hours immersive full-stack programming course
Topics included: TDD, scalability, Data Structures and Algorithms, OOP, DRY, CRUD, REST, single-page applications, web development, etc.

University of California, Los Angeles

Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics

Related coursework: Actuarial Models, Complex Analysis, Differential Equations,
Probability, Combinatorics, Game Theory, Statistics, Optimization


  • Doable
  • Doable

    A website features a vast majority of DIY projects for babies and their parents.
    Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and React - Redux.

  • LunchPlan
  • LunchPlan

    A responsive single webpage for lunch options, inspired by MealPal
    JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS

  • Wayside
  • Wayside

    A browser app for delivery services utilizing other drivers’ travel plans.
    JavaScript, Node, Express, MongoDB, and GoogleMap API.

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